Thursday 26 October 2017

RESEARCH: Newspaper Advertisments

For my second ancillary product I need to create a newspaper advertisement for my documentary. Whilst researching into this I found that Channel 4 gave me some really good examples of poster adverts which I could use for inspiration. You can see these examples below.

These advert posters are simple yet effective, they use one main picture which clearly represents the program/documentary. They then use the channel 4 logo on the right hand side of the picture to show what channel the program will be shown on, the date of air in the bottom left corner, sometimes the name of the program or the use of a short phrase to describe the program and infer what program it is. For example,'Bigger. Fatter. Gypsier.' is used to advertise the program Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

A different style poster was used for 'Dior and I' (which was a documentary that I analysed)...

As this documentary is a documentary movie rather than a series its poster has a lot more information on it, the main title is in the middle at the bottom and it also uses a quote from a magazine at the top. However, it also only uses one main image for the whole poster which is the same as the Channel 4 posters.

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