Tuesday 23 January 2018

POST-PRODUCTION: Textual Analysis of my Newspaper Advertisement/ Poster

Script for my Textual Analysis:

*The main image of the poster consists of a girl standing in designer shoes, this image links the advertisement to the genre and also to the narrative of the documentary.  This creates a house style and also a brand identity between the three products.
*The colour scheme of black and red is continued onto this page, this makes the products identifiable to each other and furthermore creates a brand identity. By using the colour scheme across the whole page it ensures there is a continuity and consistency, this also makes the product aesthetically pleasing.
*The main title of the documentary has been placed in the centre of the poster, this conforms to generic conventions of newspaper advertisements. The ‘D’s’ in desire and designer have also been put in red, this is the same as on the TV listings double page spread creating a continuity between the products.
*The air date and time has been place underneath the main title, this anchors the page and entices the audience to watch the documentary on its air date.
*A social media hashtag has been placed in the bottom left corner of the poster, this is subtle however it entices the audience to participate in the documentary via social media. This will result in the documentary reaching a wider audience.

*Finally, the logo for the channel which the documentary has been placed in the top left corner. This gives the page an identity and makes it identifiable to that TV channel.

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