Tuesday 17 October 2017

RESEARCH: Academic Theory

Today I have been learning about academic theory within media. I first looked at Charles Leadbeater, his theory is the 'We Think Theory'. This look sat the fact the internet allows the public to share information which creates a platform for mass creativity. With regard to the film industry (where my documentary would be involved), films are now much more accessible and more easily uploaded. Therefore meaning my documentary would be able to be seen more widely.

I also looked at the theorist Chris Anderson, he came up with the Long Tail Theory. This theory suggested that since broadband, niche products such as films and books have become more widely available and they now collectively add up to the same revenue of one big hit. In other words these niche films will collectively earn what one big hit earns. This is relevant to my documentary as it is of a more niche market, only certain people are interested in fashion and so it makes it a more niche subject.

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