Friday 29 December 2017

RESEARCH: Audience Feedback on 2nd Draft

After the 2nd draft of my documentary I wanted to again gain feedback from my audience. I used two of the individuals from my focus group to watch and give feedback on the updated version of my documentary. Above you can see what they said.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

RESEARCH: Ancillary Product - Newspaper Advertisement/Poster; Audience Feedback

For the final draft of my newspaper advertisement I wanted to get some more audience feedback to ensure that it has met all the needs and standards of my target audience. To do this I created a short questionnaire for a group of individuals to answer to confirm I have created a product of interest to them. You can see the questions I asked below: 

You can now see the responses I got from the questions:

By getting this piece of audience feedback I was able to confirm that my product would be successful within my target audience and that there are no more adjustments which needs to be made.

Monday 4 December 2017

RESEARCH: Ancillary Product - Newspaper Advertisement/Poster 1st Draft; Audience Feedbak

Above you can see the comments I received on my first draft of my Newspaper Advertisement/Poster. From these suggestions I have decided to add in a social media #, add the logo of the channel it is on and change the 'D's' of 'Desire' and 'Designer' to red.

Friday 1 December 2017

PRODUCTION: Ancillary Product - Newspaper Advertisement/Poster 1st Draft

This is the image I chose to use for the background of my poster, this is because it is a still from a moving image in my documentary. This will clearly link the poster to my documentary creating a continuous house style.

I then added the title of my documentary to the image. I used the same font used in my documentary to again contuse the house style.

I then added more specific details of when the documentary was going to be aired to conform the the conventions of a documentary poster.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

RESEARCH: Audience Feedback on 1st Draft

Questions I asked in my audience feedback for the 1st draft of my documentary:

Responses I gained from my audience:

From these responses I found that there were certain areas I needed to improve my documentary on, this includes the following:

1. Slightly increase the pace of editing
2. Adjust some of the sound as some dialogue overlaps each other.
3. Include an interview from someone who loves designer clothes.
4. Put the statistics mentioned as subtitles on the screen.
5. Shorten the interview as it is too long.
6. Add more cutaways into the interview.

Monday 27 November 2017

Monday 20 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Taking out Footage

After I added in my interview I found that my documentary was too long, it came to 6minutes 40seconds when it was meant to be a 5minute extract. To change this I found I needed to take out some footage from the introduction of the documentary. I managed to take out and shorten enough footage to get my documentary down to 5minutes 32seconds.

Friday 17 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Shortening and Adding Archive Footage

I first added archive footage from a Dior fashion how, however I found the same footage went on for too long and slowed the pace of my documentary. To improve the pace of my documentary I decided to add footage from 2 other fashion shows from different years, this would also demonstrate how fashion has changed over the years. The 3 fashion shows are from 2000, 2011 and 2017.

Thursday 16 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Adding Smaller Titles

At the beginning of the interview I wanted to use a generic documentary convention where a small title or sub-title is used to explain who is being interviewed. I conformed to this convention by putting in the bottom left corner 'Charlotte Ladner Fashion Expert'. I used the same font I used as the main title to continue my house style throughout the documentary.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Changing my Title Screen

I found that the title screens that I was using before were very generic fonts and showed that my documentary was made on iMovie, this made it seem that it was unprofessional and so I decided to change it. I wanted to make it look more professional and I also wanted to use a font which made the documentary better linked to high fashion. I decided to use the Vogue magazine font as I feel the audience will associate this font with high fashion, therefore clearly linking my chosen genre to my documentary. I have now decided to use this font throughout my documentary and ancillary products to create a house style and connection between the products.

Monday 13 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Adding Cutaways to my Interview

To make my interview more interesting I found that I needed to add in some cutaways to specific things that were be talked about and discussed. For example when the fashion expert was talking about designer shops I used a cutaway to the designer shop 'Chloe'. This made the interview a lot more interesting and engaging for my audience.

Friday 10 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Removing Vocals from a Song

I wanted to use a specific song for my documentary called 'I love you baby', however I needed the instrumental version so that the lyrics would't overlap with my voiceover. I tried to use the programme Audacity to remove the vocals from the song however I couldn't get it to work completely whilst keeping the quality of the sound. Due to this I decided to find and use a different piece of music from a London Fashion Show.

Thursday 9 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Adding my Voiceover

I used the script I made earlier to add in my voiceover to my documentary, I had to adjust some parts of the script so that it wouldn't be to long, I also changed some of the footage I planned on using so I need to adjust what was being said.

Monday 6 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Adding Archive Footage

I wanted to use some archive footage from a Dolce & Gabbana fashion show within my documentary, so I have downloaded the video off of you tube and imported it to my documentary. I also liked the background music for the fashion show and wanted to use that for the next section of my documentary, the song is called 'I love you baby' by Pop Talk. However I wanted to use an instrumental version of the song so I next need to download it to use instead.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

PRODUCTION: Adding More Music

I needed a new piece of music for the next part of my documentary, I found a background track that was used at a fashion show. It suited this part of my documentary as it is still quite fast paced and looks at different high fashion stores and products.

Monday 30 October 2017

PRODUCTION: Adding a Title Screen

I wanted to add the title of my documentary ('The Desire of Designer') to the end of a clip, I experimented using different effects, one where a floral pattern comes up at the top left corner and the bottom right corner and one where sparkles flow across the screen leaving the title behind. I found that I preferred the first version as the font suited my theme better.

Thursday 26 October 2017

RESEARCH: Newspaper Advertisments

For my second ancillary product I need to create a newspaper advertisement for my documentary. Whilst researching into this I found that Channel 4 gave me some really good examples of poster adverts which I could use for inspiration. You can see these examples below.

These advert posters are simple yet effective, they use one main picture which clearly represents the program/documentary. They then use the channel 4 logo on the right hand side of the picture to show what channel the program will be shown on, the date of air in the bottom left corner, sometimes the name of the program or the use of a short phrase to describe the program and infer what program it is. For example,'Bigger. Fatter. Gypsier.' is used to advertise the program Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

A different style poster was used for 'Dior and I' (which was a documentary that I analysed)...

As this documentary is a documentary movie rather than a series its poster has a lot more information on it, the main title is in the middle at the bottom and it also uses a quote from a magazine at the top. However, it also only uses one main image for the whole poster which is the same as the Channel 4 posters.

Monday 23 October 2017


For one of my ancillary products I need to create a double page spread of a listings magazine, to do this I wanted to research into the general codes and conventions of a listings magazine.
Firstly I looked at the listings of one of the documentaries I have previously analysed called 'Secrets of the Superbrands (Fashion). As this documentary was aired in 2011 I was only able to find a 'listings magazine' online, however it was an online version rather than a paper version (see below).

Here you can see when all the episodes of the documentary series are on, the particular episode that I analysed aired on the 3rd June 2011. Click here to go to the listings website.

I also wanted to look at a paper version of a listings magazine so I found this double page spread of listings on various different channels....

This shows the times of all the programs on BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4 and Channel 3 for the 8th of November. After looking at the actual listings for the channels, I needed to look at double page spreads focused on one program as this is what I will need to create for my own documentary.

As you can see from these double page spread examples, there is usually one main image used on the page with only one or two smaller images used as well. They also clearly display the name of the program/documentary alongside the channel it is on, the time and date. The main body of the double page spread writes about the main focus of the program/documentary and what it is about. Finally they also use a heading and a sub-heading which is also a code and convention of all double page spreads.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

RESEARCH: Academic Theory

Today I have been learning about academic theory within media. I first looked at Charles Leadbeater, his theory is the 'We Think Theory'. This look sat the fact the internet allows the public to share information which creates a platform for mass creativity. With regard to the film industry (where my documentary would be involved), films are now much more accessible and more easily uploaded. Therefore meaning my documentary would be able to be seen more widely.

I also looked at the theorist Chris Anderson, he came up with the Long Tail Theory. This theory suggested that since broadband, niche products such as films and books have become more widely available and they now collectively add up to the same revenue of one big hit. In other words these niche films will collectively earn what one big hit earns. This is relevant to my documentary as it is of a more niche market, only certain people are interested in fashion and so it makes it a more niche subject.

Thursday 12 October 2017

PRODUCTION: How to Speed Up a Clip

I wanted to speed up a specific clip in iMovie however I was unsure on how to do this. I looked up a video on YouTube which gave me the right resources to complete this task and I was successfully able to speed up my clip.
See the video I used below:

Wednesday 11 October 2017

PRODUCTION: Adding More Footage

Today I have been adding more footage into iMovie. This footage creates the next scene of my documentary where I'm comparing the designer brands with high street brands, the clips also match up with my script which I will be using for the voiceover throughout the documentary which I will record through iMovie.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

RESEARCH: Looking for More Music

As I was producing my documentary I found that some of the music I had first found doesn't work as well as I first thought it would. So I decided to look more into different music to add to the next part of my documentary. I want a more calm and slower music to suit the next scene where I'm comparing designer brands and high street brands. 

Monday 9 October 2017

PRODUCTION: Screen Recording

This lesson I wanted to get some footage of a computer screen looking through designer handbags and their prices to use as a clip in my documentary. I found the easiest way to do this on a Mac was to use 'QuickTime Player', you can select the area of the screen you wish to record and then record whatever you'd like to within that area.
This is helpful for my documentary as you get to see the websites of designers as well as footage from inside and outside of the shops.

Friday 6 October 2017

PRODUCTION: Adding More Footage with Different Music

I wanted to add the next scene of my documentary into my iMovie but with different background music with it. I was struggling to do this because whenever I added a new clip the old music would extend over it. I looked up how to use different tracks on the internet and I found a really helpful video which explained exactly how to. This then allowed me to separate the video clips and put different music onto each. The video I used can be seen below.

Thursday 5 October 2017

RESEARCH: Dochouse Cinema

Whilst researching I came across a website for a cinema which only shows documentaries called Dochouse. I found on this website a listing of all the previous documentaries which have been screened at the cinema and got the chance to look through to find some inspiration for my own documentary.

One particular documentary which caught my eye was The First Monday In May, this was based on the planning, making and production of the high-fashion event known as the Met Gala Ball. This documentary shares a similar genre to the documentary I am planning to make so I am hoping to take inspiration from some elements (including camera angles, shots, dialogue) of the documentary to use in my own. See the trailer for The First Day In May below.