Friday 23 June 2017

RESEARCH: Documentary Theorists

Bill Nichols

*An American film critic and theoretician.
*Most known for being the founder of the contemporary study of documentary film.
*He wrote a book published in 1991 called 'Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary'. This book applied modern film theory to the study of documentary film.
*In Nichols schema he identifies 6 documentary 'modes'; poetic, expository, performative, participatory, observational and reflexive.
*He offered a conceptual framework for the production and study of documentary film.

John Grierson

*A school headmaster who studied Philosophy at University.
*He began filmmaking due to a post-graduate study in the US.
*Grierson created a documentary called 'Creative Treatment of Actuality'.
*He had a great influence on factual filmmaking, he established the National Film Board of Canada. He was also UNESCO's first Director of mass communications and public information.
*Finally, throughout his career he he produced over 1000 film and TV programmes.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

RESEARCH: Fashion Documentaries

Fashion Documentary Inspiration:

Below is a screenshot of a list of the best fashion documentaries according to Vogue Magazine, to go to this link click here. I found this very helpful as I was then able to go on to look at different fashion documentaries and how they were filmed to gain inspiration for my own.

I have also found a documentary which goes inside British vogue, this showed an exclusive insight to one of the leading fashion magazines in the world. I found inspiration from this as it is the kind of exclusive information i would like to include in my own documentary. Click here to go to the documentary.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

RESEARCH: Initial Ideas

Some initial ideas for my project are:

  • A documentary on Fashion
    • In London and Paris
  • A documentary on Modelling
    • Agencies in London
  • A documentary on a part of psychology, for example:
    • Conformity - 'Why British people queue'
    • Why people are attracted to each other